ICMA 2018 To Host 150+ Sessions in Baltimore

ICMA’s annual conference for local government professionals will focus on resilience, community engagement, inclusion, workforce, smart cities and more.


The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) will convene its annual conference and gathering of local government professionals September 23-26, 2018, at the Baltimore Convention Center. Speakers, exhibits and more than 150 educational sessions will focus on timely topics like blockchain, opioids, legal cannabis, smart cities, community resilience, sharing economy and affordable housing.

The conference is set up to address best practices in local government, and is focused on the following tracks:

Community Resilience Sessions will discuss economic, social and environmental resiliency issues faced by communities of all sizes and the innovative solutions that colleagues and partners have found to be successful.

Equity and Social Inclusion Sessions will focus on ways in which local governments can make investments in education, language acquisition, job training and other services to combat unemployment, homelessness and poverty and work to facilitate integration and inclusion.

Not Your Grandparents’ Workforce Sessions will address the ways that workforce issues have evolved and how the structures, policies and approaches to workforce management need to be modernized to make our organizations ready for tomorrow’s challenges.

Redefining Community Engagement Sessions will explore the citizen engagement process, such as which combination of strategies and tools produce meaningful engagement and how often, when and to what extent managers should engage their communities.

Smart Communities Sessions will highlight the best practices and tools communities need to implement smart solutions.

Putting Well-Being First Sessions will offer insights and strategies for restoring a local government professional’s sense of authenticity, hopefulness and purpose. https://bit.ly/2N4bSCC

Speakers and participants Include:

  • Pulitzer Prize-winning Author and Historian Doris Kerns Goodwin
  • Mayor of Baltimore Catherine Pugh
  • Fmr. US Presidential Candidate Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley
  • Bestselling Author Daniel Pink
  • Leadership Expert Greg Bell
  • C.E.O of Robin Hood Wes Moore
  • ICMA President David Johnstone
  • ICMA Executive Director Marc Ott

Access a full list of conference sessions and more information on ICMA’s website.