Cities Adopting Open Data Platforms

Three major cities have adopted open data platforms allowing them to provide employees and residents with new tools that will impact operations and efficiencies. Find out the specific applications and solutions that are being created and implemented


What Happened?

The cities of Auckland, Barcelona and New York City have recently adopted open data platforms to ensure public agencies are performing efficiently and to make government information more transparent to residents.

The Goal

The software implementation demonstrates a growing trend in the use of cloud-based technology to identify problems in the public sector and brainstorm solutions in a timely manner. CityNext cloud, data and application solutions make administrative tasks easier, while enabling faster information sharing with the public to increase engagement. The technology offers a one-stop-shop for organizational needs including business software, devices and applications, cloud-based resources and big data platforms to monitor performance and implement changes quickly and efficiently.

Auckland’s Adoption

The Auckland Council and Auckland Transport department recently made its computer systems and operations more efficient by migrating to the CityNext platform. By opting for a cloud-based platform, the city is able to manage all data and management solutions from various locations, while reducing its dependence on physical infrastructure.

Furthermore, Auckland Transport is utilizing the CityNext solutions to create web-based applications to give residents access to customizable transportation services, as well as mobile-optimized apps to keep the public abreast of traffic and roadway news on the go. City employees can communicate between locations and departments more easily thanks to instant messaging, video conferencing and other file-sharing technologies through the platform as well.

Barcelona’s Project

Barcelona was quick to explore the potential of CityNext’s solutions, looking to harness cloud, data and applications to improve public services. Barcelona residents can now download a customized mobile application to monitor a plethora of public data including population density and unemployment rates. In making community data more readily accessible, Barcelona officials hope to help residents make better decisions regarding home purchases or starting a business.

Safer New York

Similarly, New York City partnered with Nextdoor, a social network for neighborhoods, to provide residents with up-to-date safety information. Through the cloud-based solution, residents and city officials can provide updates on events happening throughout the city, broken down by neighborhood. Users can access the information to see where safety issues are being reported and avoid potentially dangerous situations. The data can only be accessed by residents of specific neighborhoods, and users must verify their address prior to using the application. The city can access the updates and inform law enforcement of safety issues as well to keep the neighborhoods safer.


The components offered through CityNext include:

  • Automate government administrative processes and enhance data-driven decision making
  • Enhance water, waste and energy management with real-time data on consumption and city systems
  • Integrate data to improve operations and energy efficiency of all existing and new buildings or infrastructure
  • Educate residents more efficiently with learning management systems and analytics tools
  • Leverage smart devices and mobile solutions to create personalized health services for improved outcomes
  • Improve communication tools between residents and law enforcement to increase safety
  • Boost tourism with trip-planning, booking, mapping and customer service capabilities
  • Innovate public transportation services with better infrastructure management and public communication

Mobile Moving Forward

Gov1 has followed several mobile solution projects that make transit easier for residents and reduce crime throughout the locale.