
Stanislaus Regional 911 is exploring how to use a CentralSquare CAD system for dispatching Modesto police and fire while letting the Sheriff’s Office use an Oracle system
9 out of 10 mail threats are small enough to fit in a curbside drop box with a notable shift from benign hoaxes to fentanyl-laced powders
Workshop will bring together 911 leaders to exchange ideas regarding innovative scheduling practices to improve staffing efficiency and operational effectiveness
911 callers in Morgan County will have the option of sending images, video or live-streaming to a dispatcher
More cities have joined the East County EMS Nurse Navigation Program since its launch last year
Beware bad actors’ tricks and t(h)reats
Nearly one-third of public safety personnel do not get a department-issued face mask, plus other key findings from nearly 4,000 survey responses
Learn how moving government communications to the cloud is a simple, secure, reliable and cost-effective way to collaborate across agencies.