$358K: Baltimore paramedic is city’s highest-paid employee in 2024 fiscal year

A spokesperson for Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott said overtime payments were the most common reason for the higher-than-expected pay

BALTIMORE — Baltimore’s top 10 highest-paid city employees in FY 2024 were all from the fire and police departments, with most earning $150,000–$250,000 over their base salaries. A paramedic topped the list, making $358,586 — $245,000 beyond his listed pay.

Police Commissioner Richard Worley ranked third on the list, earning over $320,000 last fiscal year, alongside top-paid police lieutenants, sergeants, battalion fire chiefs, firefighters and EMTs, FOX 45 Baltimore reported.

The data was sourced from the city’s Open Baltimore portal, which includes Baltimore City employee salaries. The Baltimore Sun filtered the data to focus on FY2024, covering the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024 — the most recent period available.

Mayor Brandon Scott’s spokesman, Bryan Doherty, attributed the higher-than-expected pay primarily to overtime.

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Bill Carey is the associate editor for FireRescue1.com and EMS1.com. A former Maryland volunteer firefighter, sergeant, and lieutenant, Bill has written for several fire service publications and platforms. His work on firefighter behavioral health garnered a 2014 Neal Award nomination. His ongoing research and writings about line-of-duty death data is frequently cited in articles, presentations, and trainings. Have a news tip? He can be reached at news@lexipol.com.