6 Steps to Cloud Migration

When moving your IT resources to a cloud computing model, consider this simplified approach to avoid common mistakes or pitfalls along the way.


Municipal agencies and local governments are readily adopting new technologies to increase efficiency and reduce overall waste. One main component of these advanced resources is cloud computing technology, and the public sector must migrate its IT infrastructure to cloud-based services to optimize all the available benefits.

While cloud technology makes everyday functionality easier and worker productivity higher, the migration to this platform can be challenging for many local governments. When moving your IT resources to a cloud computing model, consider a simplified approach to avoid common mistakes or pitfalls along the way. Here are some basic steps to follow to ensure the migration process goes smoothly:

  1. Conduct inventory on all your current IT infrastructure What is currently in use? What will future IT demands require? Take note of any gaps that should be filled upon completion of the migration.
  2. Determine what IT infrastructure should be migrated to the cloud and what tools should be left behind Some IT infrastructure and resources are better utilized on site or in-house rather than in the cloud. Take some time to determine which resources should be migrated based on a cost-benefit comparison.
  3. Make a list of the IT needs and services, ranking them in terms of simplicity and necessity When first migrating to a cloud-based platform, be sure to select basic, foundational services that offer the most benefits in the short and long term. Start with what you need initially, and then over time you can add on services as demands evolve.
  4. Create a plan on how best to migrate these resources to the cloud-based platform Draw up a step-by-step process for moving infrastructure into the cloud. The steps should include any pre-migration organization or preparation necessary to reduce errors down the road.
  5. Move the IT resources to a staging cloud environment to test the services and processes It is imperative to test any new cloud-based services in a staging environment before full implementation to work out any bugs. It will also allow time for staff to understand best practices and practice using the platform.
  6. Officially convert to cloud-based services for all resources When all the kinks have been worked out, you are ready to launch!

Furthermore, many public sector organizations opt to work with IT consultants to identify the best practices for cloud migration to ensure maximum efficiency from start to finish.