$1.9M EDA Grant for Rochester Water & Sewers

With $1.9M in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration, the City of Rochester, NH, will add 8000 linear feet of water and sewage lines to accommodate economic expansion. Learn more about how you can find grant funds from the EDA

What Happened?

Rochester, NH, was recently awarded a $1.9 million grant from the US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration.

The Goal

The U.S. Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) today announced a $1.9 million grant to the city of Rochester, New Hampshire, to make critical water and sewer improvements. The project is expected to create 130 jobs, according to grantee estimates. The project will help construct 8,000 linear feet of sewer line and 9,000 linear feet of water line to provide service to the Crossroads Industrial Park and the Rochester Marketplace. In addition this infrastructure will serve as a catalyst for further expansion, business development, and job creation.

Other EDA Grants

The EDA awards grants from its Make it in American Challenge, Economic Development Assistance, Planning and Local Technical Assistance and Disaster Relief programs. Here are some recent examples:

  • $1,489,255 to the Great Falls College-Montana State University, Great Falls, Montana, to fund the renovation of an existing building, located on the campus of Great Falls College-Montana State University, for use as the Industrial Trades Training Center. When completed, the Center will provide classrooms for specialized training in welding, carpentry, and auto mechanics to address the state’s shortage of skilled, certified workers in these trades. Workers completing advanced welding training will be certified in U.S. and Canadian welding standards and may qualify for high demand, high-paying employment opportunities in industries such as the Canadian oil sands extraction and the Bakken Oil Fields in North Dakota and eastern Montana. This investment is part of a $2,978,510 project that the grantee estimates will create 120 jobs and leverage $24 million in private investment.
  • $1 million to the Medical Center of the Americas Foundation, El Paso, Texas, to fund the design and construction of the Biomedical Research and Technology Commercialization Center in a distressed area in El Paso. The Center will serve as a flexible hub to support multi-institutional and disciplinary transitional biomedical research, innovation, and commercialization supporting entrepreneurship and small business growth and development. This investment is part of a $1,337,480 project.
  • $2,277,350 to the City of Marinette, Wisconsin, to fund the expansion of water, sewer, and road infrastructure in the vicinity of Main and Stanton Streets in Marinette. This project supports the growth of local ship builders who will be building the US Navy’s new littoral combat ship providing high-skill high paying jobs and increased participation in the region’s growing defense and manufacturing sectors. This investment is part of a $4,554,700 project that the grantee estimates will create 100 jobs and generate $50 million in private investment.

In the last few months, the EDA also has granted millions for disaster recovery relief to cities and states around the US. If your municipality has dealt with the affects of severe storms or other types of disasters, you may be eligible for relief from the EDA.

Need Help Finding Grants?

EfficientGov’s GrantFinder online database of every Federal, State, Corporate and Foundation grant helps you search for grant funding. Starting at just $695 annually it is a “must have” for any municipality interested in finding grant funding. Sign up for a free 10-minute, online demonstration today.