$100K grant helps Pa. EMS purchase, equip new ambulance

West County Paramedic Association added its first new rig in over a decade, boosting morale

GIRARD, Pa. — A $100,000 grant from the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority helped the West County Paramedic Association purchase a new ambulance.

Executive Director Jamie Snider stated that this is their first new ambulance in a decade, and it will feature a power load system designed to simplify the loading of stretchers, YourErie.com reported.

“We’re doing the best that we can, but we are in desperate need of three to four more ambulances right now in order to help get rid of those ambulances and replace them so that we can do what we need to do to get to the community,” Snider said.

Snider noted that donations and contributions to the West County Paramedic Association will be instrumental in acquiring new ambulances.

Looking to navigate the complexities of grants funding? Lexipol is your go-to resource for state-specific, fully-developed grants services that can help fund your needs. Find out more about our grants services here.

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Bill Carey is the associate editor for FireRescue1.com and EMS1.com. A former Maryland volunteer firefighter, sergeant, and lieutenant, Bill has written for several fire service publications and platforms. His work on firefighter behavioral health garnered a 2014 Neal Award nomination. His ongoing research and writings about line-of-duty death data is frequently cited in articles, presentations, and trainings. Have a news tip? He can be reached at news@lexipol.com.