
Grants are essential financial tools local, state, and federal government agencies provide to support a wide range of public projects, services, and initiatives. These funds help organizations, municipalities, and educational institutions achieve their goals, from infrastructure development to community programs. Understanding how to apply for and manage grants is crucial for maximizing their impact. This directory offers articles on grants and related topics like Gov1 Grants Help, which delves into best practices for tracking, reporting, and effectively utilizing grant funds.

The grant, part of the SCAD SERVE Community Fund, will be used for public safety technology upgrades for the Savannah Police Department
A $250K grant and opioid settlement funds are supporting the Genesee County Jail program, which aims to reduce withdrawal risks and improve long-term recovery
The Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley continues its support for EMS, granting scholarships to aspiring medics while honoring the legacy of EMS pioneer John T. Sloper
Stanislaus Regional 911 is exploring how to use a CentralSquare CAD system for dispatching Modesto police and fire while letting the Sheriff’s Office use an Oracle system
Decision restores Department of Education grant funding for teacher preparation, a tool to ‘address the serious teacher shortage crisis’
The $400,000 grant will be used for speeding enforcement, adding DUI checkpoints and targeting distracted drivers
The Russell Fire Department can make sure all of its firefighters have properly fitting facepieces
If passed, the bipartisan Invest to Protect Act would be available to PDs with 175 or fewer officers and would help cover training, mental health support and recruitment efforts
Frozen funds include grants to prevent and prepare for terrorist attacks, emergency management performance, cybersecurity and emergency operations centers
The Chase County EMS ambulance was built with attention to suspension and noise reduction
A Texas A&M grant, donations and a trade-in helped Rockdale firefighters with their latest apparatus purchase
FEMA told grant recipients they must provide additional details on fund distribution and use, with processing times extended up to 30 days
$296,969 traffic safety grant came from the state’s Automated Red Light Enforcement program
Lake County’s new Mobile Integrated Healthcare program helps reduce strain on emergency services by providing in-home care for frequent 911 callers
A voter-approved tax allowed Boulder County to provide grants to fund equipment, station upgrades and emergency vehicles