How to Attract New Homeowners: Improve Parks & Rec

One study discusses how a city’s playability score impacts quality of life and economic growth. How playable is your municipality?


What Happened?

KaBOOM recently released a study that identified different principles cities should consider to improve the playability of the community. Municipalities with high playability scores provide residents with opportunities from active play regardless of socio-economic background.


There are behavioral bottlenecks in modern cities that prevent kids – particularly from low-income families - from getting enough activity in their lives. According to the study from nonprofit KaBOOM and behavioral economics research firm ideas42, most cities have unused assets available that can be repurposed to engage citizens in active play throughout the day.

When municipalities increase their playability scores the community becomes more family-friendly and attracts new residents and business opportunities. Rather than focusing on building large parks, cities can develop mini play destinations scattered throughout the community that offer the benefits of a park at more convenient proximities to homes, schools, etc. This will make it easier for residents to engage with the infrastructure without having to designate time and resources to commuting to a specific park.

Behavioral Bottlenecks

The study identified three behavioral bottlenecks preventing individuals from playing more often:

  • Not considering play: Play is often not planned into daily activities but considered a special treat.
  • Unclear feedback: There are no immediate benefits of play provided, making it hard to see if it is done right.
  • Play can feel difficult to do: Parents and caregivers may see getting ready to play as an added chore.

As well as three solutions to overcome these barriers:

  • Play everywhere: Create opportunities for play in unexpected places like bus stops and waiting rooms.
  • Proximity matters: Create small play destinations in more locations so families are always near a place to play.
  • Family-friendly focus: Create play destinations that appeal to all generations to encourage family activity and interaction.

The study argues a city’s playability level can be a competitive advantage when looking to attract certain demographics and business opportunities.

Chicago Plays

KaBOOM has recognized several communities for their efforts to improve playability and make it an ongoing priority in development projects. Chicago has made it a goal for every child in the city to live within a seven-minute walk of a new park or playground. The parks initiative, coupled with an ever-growing focus on bike-friendly amenities, is part of Chicago’s strategy to improve the quality of life for all residents and retain families and local businesses.

One aspect of the playability initiative is called People Spots which calls for temporary parklets to be created adjacent to local businesses. The parklets are designed to increase foot traffic to the area and provide a space for public interaction. The parklets are used primarily in the warmer months when pedestrian traffic is high.

Not only is the city working on building play destinations in all its neighborhoods, but it has extended the school day to bring back recess, physical education and art programs which were lost in some districts due to budget cuts. Chicago is working with community groups and the private sector to build out its playable assets and residential activity levels.

Get A Move On

Gov1 reports on different initiatives municipalities undertake to improve the quality of life for residents with pedestrian-friendly amenities and updated regulations.